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Novel and personally satisfying way of working
By Venkatesh Subramanian on 13/2/2015
In this new blog and the first in its series Venkatesh explores what possibilities exist in the digitally interconnected world that can radically alter and enrich our way of working!
Value creation
By Venkatesh Subramanian on 13/2/2015
In this new blog and the first in its series Venkatesh looks at how the world and society at large deals with value and its creation.
Trends versus hard core economic basics where do they meet?
By Venkatesh Subramanian on 13/2/2015
In this new blog and the first in its series Venkatesh explores why some trends that do not have a sound economic basis develop into mega trends and eventually end up creating big recessions when the investments made in these trends do not generate the adequate returns.
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