We are an unique association of experts from diverse fields, backgrounds and countries.
We analyse the markets for new trends and form a loose association of professionals from different backgrounds, functional domains and countries around these trends. Initially we just track and share experiences about these trends for the mutual benefit of our members.
Once we believe a trend has the potential to truly transform an industry or a region, a team dedicates itself to create the necessary research and intellectual assets that offers truly differentiated and unique set of offerings for clients.
What binds us together is the unique value each one of us bring to the network and the unique value the network brings to the clients. Each member of our network constantly evaluates himself or herself against the unique value, insights and advice he or she brings to the network and the network defines and tracks the unique value it delivers in every engagement with the clients.
That’s why we call our association Unique Value Networks.
To be true to this philosophy which makes us unique, we will not be part of any engagement where we are unable to demonstrate the unique value we bring for the engagement. We even go a step further, we will refund your money if for whatever reasons we are unable to deliver the promised unique value at the end of the engagement.
The deep domain expertise of our members and the significant investments the network makes in its offerings combined with our unique philosophy always ensures we deliver an unbeatable value to our clients.
To read more about the trends Unique Value Network is focusing on visit Network→Focus Areas section of our web-site.