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Strategy Definition
Our strategy definition offering assists various market players (CSDs, local and regional custodians and global custodians) impacted by the T2S initiative to define their T2S strategy and capitalise on the opportunities presented by T2S.
With this offering, we analyse your current situation (clients, products and cross border links) and long term strategy and identify how T2S will help you achieve your long term strategy. We also carefully analyse any new business opportunities that may be presented by T2S. We then assist you to craft your T2S strategy in the following areas:
- New markets and clients: We analyse your current situation, the opportunities presented by T2S and define the new markets and clients that you can target. We also look at what additional products and services you can offer to your existing clients so that you can increase your wallet share
- New products / enhancements to existing products: We define the new products and services that you must introduce or the significant enhancements that you have to make in your existing products and services so that you can make yourself the provider of choice for both the new segment of clients and your existing clients
- Competitive analysis: We make a detailed competitive analysis of your current products and services and the proposed new ones against your competition. We then make a detailed SWOT analysis and define your go to market strategy in terms of roll-out of the new products and services or the enhancements to your existing products and services
- Cross-border links: We make a detailed analysis of all your existing and proposed cross-border links. We then identify changes and improvements the links need to fully exploit the benefits of T2S namely to reduce costs and risks
- Operations: We define your operations strategy in terms of simplification, consolidation, outsourcing and introduction of modern IT platforms with a view towards significant improvement in straight through processing (STP) and reduction in fails and costs
- Partnerships: We believe since T2S is a market driven transformation initiative, strong partnerships are necessary between various players to ensure the investments made by various players actually create the simplification of the post trade settlement in Europe. We will help you identify the potential partners and the areas of cooperation that you must have with these partners to make good returns on your investments
- Business case and high level implementation plan: We define your base business case and the high level implementation plan taking into account all the above
Normally the strategy definition takes 2-6 months depending on your size. complexity and ambition. During this period:
- We conduct a series of meetings/workshops with your senior executives and operational staff and analyse your current situation and operational data (i.e, value of assets under custody, volume of settlement instructions, etc.)
- We will also have discussion with your clients (or service providers) who can act as your potential partners
- We will provide you with proven and tested templates using which we collect and analyse your current situation and operational data
- We will also use our extensive knowledge base of the European custody market (i.e, markets, players, services and products offered, quality of service, cross-border links, costs, etc.,) in defining your strategy
This ensures high degree of accuracy and reliability in your business case and creates a pragmatic and implementable T2S program plan. The business case and implementation plan will also provide you a solid basis on which you can track all your T2S initiatives and investments.
Coupled with all these advantages, our partners’ deep knowledge of the European post trade settlement environment, our significant investments on the data collection templates, methodology and European post trade markets’ knowledge base we are sure to deliver you an unbeatable value proposition.
If you want to know more about how we can be of assistance to you in defining your T2s Strategy, kindly contact us using the Contact Us section of our web-site.