
Strategy Definition
Target Operating Model Design
Solution Design
Transformation Management
Quick Assessment

Managing Partner
Photo Coming Female
Prema is our managing partner who manages all our consulting offerings to clients in the T2S area. Know more about Prema Aiyer.


Target2 Securities (T2S) is a transformative initiative by the European Central Bank to redefine and simplify the post trade settlement in Euro zone countries.

T2S has the potential to transform the securities settlement and the capital markets of Europe like the way the payment market was transformed with the introduction of Euro and the culmination of the Single European Payment Area (SEPA) directive. At the end of this transformative journey, cross border securities settlement within the Euro zone will be as cheap, efficient and risk free as a domestic market settlement.

To know more about the T2S initiative visit NetworkFocus AreasT2S section of our web-site.

Our team of experts from this field, have carefully constructed a set of offerings to assist the following market participants in their transformation journey with T2S:

  • You are a Central Securities Depository (CSD) wanting to know how to join T2S and exploit all features offered by T2S
  • You are a Central Securities Depository (CSD) wanting to know how best to optimise your cross-border links and how to settle these cross border settlement instructions through T2S
  • You are a Central Securities Depository (CSD) wanting to go beyond your home markets and be an attractive choice for other Euro zone markets by the open access provided by T2S
  • You are a regional or European Custodian wanting to simplify your CSD networks, dramatically simplify your operating environment and reduce costs
  • You are a global Custodian wanting to directly enter the European markets bypassing your current local custodian links to the European markets

You have all come to the right place and we have the following offerings to assist you in your transformation journey:

  • Quick Assessment: With this offering we make a quick assessment of your internal situation, competitive landscape and maturity of the market to check if T2S can bring the necessary transformation opportunity for your situation and context. This activity is normally conducted in 2-4 weeks time frame. To know more about our quick assessment offering visit ConsultingT2SQuick Assessment section of our web-site
  • Strategy Definition: With this offering, we assist you to define your product expansion strategy, market expansion strategy, cross border links strategy and partnership (i.e, CSD and Custodian) strategy that would be best suited for their current situation and long term strategy to fully exploit the benefits offered by T2S. We will also assist you to create a detailed business case and a high level implementation plan that will form the basis for further T2S transformation efforts by you. To know more about our strategy definition offering visit ConsultingT2SStrategy Definition section of our web-site
  • Target Operating Model Design: With this offering, we assist you to define your target operating model in terms of consolidation and/or enhancement of your back office operations and IT applications. To know more about our target operating model design offering visit ConsultingT2STarget Operating Model Design section of our web-site
  • Solution Design: With this offering, we assist you to detail functional and technical requirements and to choose third party packages and outsourcing partners who will deliver the IT solution or the outsourced back office solutions. To know more about our solution design offering visit ConsultingT2SSolution Design section of our web-site
  • Transformation Management: With this offering, we assist you to manage all your portfolio of transformation projects by providing the right governance and oversight and to keep track of all the projects against their original objectives and business by suggesting appropriate corrective actions where necessary. To know more about our quick assessment offering visit ConsultingT2STransformation Management section of our web-site

Kindly also visit our blogs and case study sections where you will find a wealth information about how UniqueValueNetworks is helping clients in their transformation journey.