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Target Operating Model Design
Our target operating model design offering assists various market players (CSDs, local and regional custodians and global custodians) impacted by the T2S initiative to design their target operating model in terms of:
- Consolidation of back office operations for the different European markets along with the simplification of the cross-border links
- Outsource versus in-house versus co-source options for the back office operations
- Introduction of new IT platforms that will aid the simplification and consolidation of the back office operations
- Introduction of new IT platforms to implement any new products and services identified as part of your T2S strategy
- Build versus buy versus hybrid options for the introduction of the new IT platforms
We will use your overall T2S strategy as the basis for defining your target operating model that will implement your T2S strategy in the most cost effective and quickest way possible. The operating model design will cover all your products and services across all asset classes namely:
- Master and reference data management
- Custody and safe keeping
- Asset servicing
- Securities lending and borrowing
- Collateral management
- Repurchase offers and
- Client connectivity options
- Information management and reporting
Normally the target operating model takes between 4 and 12 months to design depending on your size. complexity and ambition. It is an intense activity involving experts from your organisation and our team to brain storm and work together in multiple areas in parallel to design the target operating model.
We have created an extensive knowledge base of the the European post trade settlement market (i.e, markets, players, services and products offered, quality of service, cross-border links, costs, etc.,), various IT platform providers and outsourcing players (including geographical capabilities such as on-shore, near shore and off-shore) in the market to assist you in this journey. These coupled with the deep and rich experience of all our partners in both the back office operations and IT platforms will ensure that your target operating model is fit for purpose, best in class, pragmatic and delivered within budget and on time.
If you want to know more about how we can be of assistance for you to design the target operating model, kindly contact us using the Contact Us section of our web-site.
Contact us:
20-22, Wenlock Road,
London N1 7GU,
United Kingdom
+44 208 0145444
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