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Transformation Management

Our transformation management offering assists various market players (CSDs, local and regional custodians and global custodians) impacted by the T2S initiative to run all their transformation programs and projects effectively in terms of:

  • Establishing a fit for purpose governance structure
  • Periodic health checking to ensure all programs and projects are inline with your T2S strategy, original business case and objectives
  • On-going partner/vendor management to ensure they understand and meet their commitments
  • Rescuing of troubled programs and projects and bringing them on track
  • Overall quality assurance management
  • Testing and implementation strategy

All our partners are highly acclaimed program managers having implemented some of the most complex programs in the world. With minimal involvement, they can quickly identify problems and root causes and quickly set right your troubled programs and projects.

Our involvement can vary from a single person assisting you part time to a small team always being part of your T2S portfolio of programs and projects team depending your needs and requirements.

If you want to know more about how we can be of assistance for you in your T2S transformation journey, kindly contact us using the Contact Us section of our web-site.

Contact us:

20-22, Wenlock Road,
London N1 7GU,
United Kingdom
+44 208 0145444

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Unique✜Value✜Networks Limited